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Information on Lipsi holidays - Greece
Panaghia tou Charou church – Lipsi

The church takes its name - the Virgin of Death - from a remarkable icon it contains, in which the Virgin is depicted holding the dead body of the crucified Christ in her arms. Since 1943 the church has been renowned for what is known as the miracle of the lilies. It all began in April 1943, when the local people had placed in front of the icon some white lilies. A few weeks later the flowers, which had withered and died, suddelny began to revive and put forth buds. By the time of the festival of the Virgin on August 23 the buds had blossomed into full-grown lilies, just as if it were April again. The miracle has occurred regularly each year since then, and on August 23rd each year the faithful come to the church in droves to honour the majesty of the Virgin and to marvel at the miracle.

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